It is our honor to provide
the Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego with their previous and current Bulldog Mascots, Private Manny and Private Bruno. As a former U.S. Marine, I have always enjoyed Marine Corps history. As a Bulldog lover, the story of how the Bulldog mascot came to be has always been one of my favorites. Since the first Chesty there has been only a handful of
United States Marine Corp Bulldog Mascots. Little Manny from
BigBulldogs.com is named after Sgt. Johnny R. Manuelito, a Navajo Code Talker who served as a U.S. Marine during WW2. Bulldog Manny served from 2020-2023 and recently retired and was relieved of his post by his baby brother Bruno, named after Major General Bruno Hochmuth commanding general of MCRD from 1963-1967, who was the first general officer killed in the Vietnam war. Having an opportunity to participate in Marine Corps history and having two of our baby bullies named after such great American patriots is beyond humbling.
Todd Howard Cpl, USMC 1983-1987 aka, “THE BigBulldog"
Both love the "Marine Corps Hymn". Feel free to oblige by clicking below.
[audio mp3="https://bigbulldogs.com/wp-content/uploads/TheMarinesHymnUSMarineBand.mp3" autoplay="true" loop="true" preload="auto"][/audio]
[ngg src="galleries" ids="29" display="pro_mosaic"]
Meet PFC Bruno United States Marine Corps Bulldog Mascot, provided by Bigbulldog.com 2023-Present