Blog Archives - BigBulldogs


The Iconic Looks: Physical Differences between French and English Bulldogs Demeanor: The Delightful Temperaments of English and French Bulldogs Exercise: French Bulldogs vs English Bulldogs Making the Choice: French vs English Bulldogs Catching the Bulldog Fever In the world of canine companions, few breeds capture hearts...

Your new French bulldog puppy might surprise you when it comes to training. Yes, it is true!. They are intelligent and obedient and this trait allows them to be great learners. So, does this mean training a frenchie is easy? Indeed it is! You should...

The English Bulldog is not just one of the most popular dog breeds; it’s also the mascot of multiple schools, sports teams, and even the U.S. Marine Corps! Despite all of this popularity, there are still plenty of fun facts about English Bulldogs that you...

English Bulldogs are considered to be quite unusual and adored for their squishy face and quirky personality. In the US, the English bulldog is the top most desired family breed with ever-growing world wide popularity. These bulldogs are hilarious, gentle, animal-friendly, kid-friendly, loving and cuddly...

If you're considering buying a dog, you must spend time trying to find the right breeder. By this, we mean both finding a breeder that has healthy dogs with good and finding one that breeds for good temperament as well as conformation. Sometimes people make...

When someone says "Bulldog," the first thing that comes to mind is undoubtedly English Bulldogs (also known as British bulldogs). They are a mid-sized dog weighing 40–50 pounds with robust, short limbs and a broad, blocky torso. They're chubby females and males. Their prominent underbite...

Bulldog health Food Skin problems Order nu-vet plus vitamins Ear maintenance Bathing Chew toys No treats rawhide or pig ears First week   1. BULLDOG HEALTH As a Bulldog owner I recommend that you go to and read our FAQ section. There you will find answers...

usmc bulldog mascot historyIt is our honor to provide the Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego with their previous and current Bulldog Mascots, Private Manny and Private Bruno. As a former U.S. Marine, I have always enjoyed Marine Corps history. As a Bulldog lover, the story of how the Bulldog mascot came to be has always been one of my favorites. Since the first Chesty there has been only a handful of United States Marine Corp Bulldog Mascots. Little Manny from is named after Sgt. Johnny R. Manuelito, a Navajo Code Talker who served as a U.S. Marine during WW2. Bulldog Manny served from 2020-2023 and recently retired and was relieved of his post by his baby brother Bruno, named after Major General Bruno Hochmuth commanding general of MCRD from 1963-1967, who was the first general officer killed in the Vietnam war. Having an opportunity to participate in Marine Corps history and having two of our baby bullies named after such great American patriots is beyond humbling. Todd Howard Cpl, USMC 1983-1987 aka, “THE BigBulldog" Both love the "Marine Corps Hymn". Feel free to oblige by clicking below. [audio mp3="" autoplay="true" loop="true" preload="auto"][/audio]


[ngg src="galleries" ids="29" display="pro_mosaic"]Meet PFC Bruno United States Marine Corps Bulldog Mascot, provided by 2023-Present's recommendations for successfully house training your English Bulldog puppy is Prevention, Not Punishment! Veterinary Exam: Urine/Fecal Check Feed Your Bully pup A High-Quality Adult Food Close Supervision Is Essential Confinement when Puppy Can’t Be Supervised Determine Puppy’s Safety Zone, Grey Zone & Danger Zone ...

English Bulldogs are prone to heatstroke and can die within minutes. These are a few ways to keep your British Bulldog, fat and happy as the summer temperatures soar. We live in a climate of southern California where the average low winter temps fall to 30 F in...