06 Jun US Marine Corps Bulldog Mascot History & BigBulldogs.com

Question: I have heard many differing opinions of which gender is better in the English Bulldog breed. What is your opinion? The BigBulldog: Better is a strong word. But finally someone asks the question that allows me to vindicate my gender. Why of course everyone knows...
Question: At what age should I have my Bulldog fixed? My Vet said that it was very important to have them fixed so that they don't have a high cancer risk, but not to do it until he is at least 1 year old so...
BigBulldogs.com's recommendations for successfully house training your English Bulldog puppy is Prevention, Not Punishment! Veterinary Exam: Urine/Fecal Check Feed Your Bully pup A High-Quality Adult Food Close Supervision Is Essential Confinement when Puppy Can’t Be Supervised Determine Puppy’s Safety Zone, Grey Zone & Danger Zone ...
Growth development problems often plague Bulldogs. For starters, we recommend a low protein adult food for all of our Bulldogs over 8 weeks of age. Bulldogs have a tendency to grow very rapidly therefore causing many unwanted problems with their hips and joints. It is...
Do I have a poorly bred dog because he has DEMODEX? Many veterinarians believe that all dogs have small numbers of Demodex mites residing in the skin and that having a few mites is normal and common. It is when immune related, or nutritional or environmental...
Unlike you and I the dog has a third eyelid. Cherry eye is the herniation of the gland behind this third eyelid. This herniated gland will hang out of the corner of the eye appearing like a large cherry, thus called a cherry eye. Bulldogs in...
Because of their Brachycephalic nature (short noses) every bulldog has an elongated soft palate to some extent. This is the most common breathing disorder. The soft palate is the flap of skin at the back of the throat. If the palate is too long and...
English Bulldogs are prone to heatstroke and can die within minutes. These are a few ways to keep your British Bulldog, fat and happy as the summer temperatures soar. We live in a climate of southern California where the average low winter temps fall to 30 F in...
Q - Two weeks after purchasing our new Bully, Max from you we took him to the Vet for another DHPP Puppy Booster. Our Vet recommended that in addition to the booster that we give him a Bordetella vaccine. One day after receiving the vaccine, Max...
DO NOT CHANGE BULLY'S FOOD. Most of the phone calls that I take within a week of someone taking their new puppy home, deals with soft/watery stools and most every time they have either change the food or added treats to his diet. I have...
THE VET can be your BULLDOG & your WALLETS worst nightmare? What I am about to write is merely my opinion. However these opinions were derived based on factual occurrences that I have been privy to in my many years as a lover and breeder...
Coming Soon!...
Q- BigBulldog my 12 week old Bulldog puppy has been coughing and wheezing for the past few days so we took him to the Vet. He was diagnosed with a Hypoplastic Trachea. The Vet told us that he would continue to get worse and we...
Question: Hello, it seems like recently my 12 week old English Bulldog puppy has developed a red rash on his belly. What should I do? The BigBulldog: Don't panic, a red rash localized on your puppies belly more often that not may be due to his...